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Helping a loved one

To help a loved one

Is gambling becoming a concern to a loved one? Get information, tips and help by calling Gambling: Help and Referral. The helpline is confidential, bilingual, and free. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, throughout Québec.

How you can help

Helping a loved one with a gambling problem is not an easy process, so it’s perfectly normal to be apprehensive. Here are a few tips to guide you in making that first contact with the person who has an addiction in order to help tackle the problem.

  • Raise the issue when you have time to listen in a place where you know you won’t be disturbed.
  • Tell the person that you are taking this step because he or she is important to you and because you’re concerned.
  • Be clear about the fact that you are not there to judge. Do not lecture.
  • State your expectations clearly, e.g. “I would like you to consult...”.
  • Take the time to listen and allow the person to react to what you are saying, even if your statements provoke anger.
  • Do not expect too much from yourself and do not hesitate to seek help for yourself if need be.
  • Health professionals, such as your family doctor or the staff at your CLSC, can also offer you their support.

Find help

Get Help for Yourself

Worried that your gambling has become a problem?

Self-Exclusion Program

Enrolling in the self-exclusion program is free and confidential.

Additional Resources and Useful Links

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